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Statement on Racial Injustice

Don Rosenberg


"And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?... It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.” Martin Luther King Jr., 1967

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Benjamin Franklin

"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? " Micah 6:8

Yet again, our country is roiling from the repeated, appalling miseries of racial injustice, racial profiling, unjustified violence towards African Americans, and senseless killings.

I have talked to many clients and friends the last few days. All of us have all responded with sadness, anger, worry, fear, and outrage due to the lack of justice and equity. Today, I saw Terrance Floyd, brother of George, sit on the spot where he was killed, and it brought tears to see the grief and humanity, the unfairness. We see protests and calls for action, action we hope desperately to see in our time.

I hope it is clear that Shorehaven stands in support of equal opportunity, care, diversity, and justice for every staff member and client and our community, regardless of race or ethnicity, or any other status. We are so aware of structural racism in health care, education, political representation, employment opportunities, housing, earnings, community investment, freedom of movement, and liberty.

Kathy Schwengel wrote these words today. "We have the ability to perform impactful work that helps to bring justice and equity to our community. We carry the distinct opportunity to collaborate with influential individuals and organizations that are both steering and commanding change. And we have the talent to craft those messages and help make their voices heard. For that, we should feel proud to be a part of a company that can carry that message."

- Still, we can do more. Get out of your comfort zone. Educate yourself. Take time to walk in someone else's shoes. Recognize that words matter. Check your unconscious biases. Be compassionate and understanding. Be kind. Show kindness. 

Many of you attended our two trainings on racial trauma. We must be aware of the devastating impact of these experiences on the psyches of our clients and on our own reactions. People should not be frightened in their own communities, especially from actions by agents of government.

A further dismaying indignity is how our federal leadership provides only thoughts of punishment and threats of force. We see no effort at justice, understanding, empathy, and conciliation.

The injustice must stop. We stand for equality, justice, and healing.

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PDF Articles

Depending on which browser you are using or your particular preference settings, these pdfs will open in a browser or download to your computer.

The Crucial Role of Sleep in Mental Health

Sleep is essential to better mental health.  Mental health problems can cause or be associated with sleep disturbances. The sleep-wake cycle sometimes reverses, which is common in depression and other
disorders. Sleep problems can make one’s mental health worse.  Mental health problems may
make sleep problems worse.  Sleep problems should be a focus in therapy.

10 Steps for Better Sleep

We help you understand normal sleep, sleep states, common sleep problems, & the impact of sleep deprivation, then we present 10 recommendatons for better sleep.

My 47th Year As A Psychotherapist

Lessons learned from decades of treating hundreds of clients and training numerous of new clinicians.

The Curious, Fascinating Psychology of Mask Wearing: Part 2

The Curious, Fascinating Psychology of Mask Wearing: Part 1

The Right Stance - The Therapist's Stance Toward the Client

An introduction to the therapeutic listening perspective, the way to observe communications.

Psychotherapy By Telehealth

Lessons from Month of Psychotherapy Teletherapy in COVID-19 Days

From the Mind of a Child with Reactive Attachment Disorder

A story by a wise child with RAD – my story for my parents of my life, mind, brain, emotions and behavior.

Flourishing in Your Internship

Brown Deer Office

3900 W. Brown Deer Rd, Ste 200
Brown Deer WI 53209

Forest Home Office

4370 S. 76th St.
Greenfield, WI 53228

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6233 Durand Avenue, Ste F
Racine, WI 53406

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